Wilson Wong

Wilson Wong 是香港的專業鼓手和全職音樂家,經常參與現場音樂會和錄音室錄音。 13歲時開始打鼓,他在Lawrence Tsui、Donald Ashley和Simon Tsui的指導下接受了深入的學習。 Wilson以其多才多藝而聞名,在流行、搖滾、爵士、拉丁、Fusion和R & B等不同音樂流派中擁有豐富的經驗。 他擁有非常豐富的舞臺經驗,並與許多本地流行artistes合作,包括Leo Ku(古巨基)、Elisa Chan(陳潔靈)、劉雅麗、Paul Wong(黃貫中)和Anthony Lun(倫永亮)。 2012年,他成為當地搖滾樂隊SIRV的鼓手,Patrick Tang(鄧健泓)擔任主唱。 多年來,Wilson的經驗從作為伴奏鼓手在馬來西亞、新加坡、泰國、臺灣和中國巡迴演出,到錄音室錄音、混音和母帶製作。
Wilson熱衷於分享他對音樂的熱情,還在柏斯音樂、Parkland Music和一些本地小學和中學擔任私人鼓和打擊樂導師。 他在倫敦三一學院的Drum Kit上獲得了8年級。

Wilson is a professional drummer and full-time musician in Hong Kong who is active in live concerts and studio recordings. Started playing drum set at the age of 13, he received intensive studies under Lawrence Tsui, Donald Ashley and Simon Tsui. Known for his versatility, Wilson has a breadth of experience across different musical genres including Pop, Rock, Jazz, Latin, Fusion and R&B. He stages regularly in the major performing venues in HK and has collaborated with numerous local pop artists including Leo Ku (古巨基), Elisa Chan (陳潔靈), Alice Lau (劉雅麗), Paul Wong (黄貫中) and Anthony Lun (倫永亮). In 2012, he became the drummer of SIRV, a local rock band with Patrick Tang (鄧健泓) as the lead singer. Over the years, Wilson’s experiences range from touring in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and China as a session drummer to working on studio recordings, mixing and mastering. 

Keen to share his passion for music, Wilson also works as a private drum and percussion tutor at Parsons Music, Parkland Music and a number of local primary and secondary schools. He attained Trinity College London Grade 8 in Drum Kit.