Patrick Ng
伍焯堃 Patrick C K Ng - 駐團琴師 Pianist
伍焯堃自2000年至今擔任香港演藝學院的鋼琴伴奏家。2020年加入香港舞蹈團,擔任駐團琴師。伍氏專注於爵士和流行鋼琴,熱衷推廣爵士和流行音樂文化,曾多次參與香港流行歌星演唱會演出,亦活躍於商業及公眾表演。於1999年的YAMAHA Band Alert獲「最佳鍵盤演奏家」獎項。擔任廣州太古滙施坦威父子音樂活動「2015星空聖誕節」的音樂總監,2017年擔任城市當代舞蹈團《小王子》原創音樂作曲家和演出音樂總監,2020年夥拍沙畫藝術家海潮為《Mirage》音樂劇重寫音樂及作現場演奏,巡迴美國四個城市演出,2021年在香港重演。疫情期間,邀請業內好聲音自家創製Pro Music音樂頻道。2021年獲香港藝術發展局「Arts Go Digital藝術數碼平台計劃」資助開設「三一娛三即興藝術頻道」,《Mirage》。2022 Asia Grand Pixie International Ballet Final Competition Thailand accompanist。伍氏為香港作曲家及作詞家協會有限公司(CASH)的會員。
Patrick Ng has served as Pianist for The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts since 2000. He joined Hong Kong Dance Company as Pianist in 2020. Ng focuses on jazz and pop piano, and is keen on promoting jazz and pop music culture in Hong Kong. Ng has given performances in numerous Hong Kong pop star concerts, and is active in commercial performances. He was awarded Best Keyboard Player at YAMAHA Band Alert in 1999. He served as music director for the Steinway & Sons event “Starry Christmas 2015” at Taikoo Hui in Guangzhou. In 2017, he was Original Music Composer and Music Director of The Little Prince by CCDC. He composed music and gave live performance for Mirage, with sand-painting artist Hoi Chiu in 2020, and toured to four cities in the USA. The show was re-run in Hong Kong in 2021. He launched the Pro Music channel with other musicians during the Covid lockdown, and launched the “3X Instant Arts Channel” with the support of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Arts Go Digital Platform Scheme in 2021. 2022 Asia Grand Pixie International Ballet Final Competition Thailand accompanist
Composed music for PBT dance workshop since 2021 till now. Patrick Ng is a member of CASH (The Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited).